Theory of Magic #4
Die, die the hand is be human, is to live your life in the blind...Theory of Magic
JP Roth's Theory of Magic
- Writer(s):
- Author - JP Roth
- Editor – Clare Bendandi
- Artist Name(s):
- Penciler/Inker – Sabine Rich
- Colorist – Sabine Rich
- Graphic Designer/Letterer – Stefan Merour
- Cover Artist(s):
- Cover Art – Sabine Rich
- Cover Colorist – Sabine Rich
- Cover Layout/Design – Stefan Merour
A princess of firelight and next in line for the Seelie throne. Selyara is a girl who wants only freedom. She is beautifully small, freckled and frail. Given no protection she must face these days alone.
Lore captures the faerie named Selyara. Mystified and drawn to the girl with the fire red hair, he watches her trade her throne for the promise of her life.
Side by side, Selyara and Lore unlock dark secrets and break a blood promise that will change their stars forever -- Together, they fall into a world of faerie tales and all the Theories of Magic.
Theory of Magic is mythical love story, entwined with all the magic of the faeries. It will take you to a place you will never want to grow old and romance you with a love so pure it can only be born of magic!
- Writer(s):